Ground Zero
We live in a fallen world in which every good, true and beautiful reality is quickly idolized to something selfish, greedy and destructive. Christ came to redeem this path to self-destruction by taking on all of our “pride of the flesh” on the Cross. Christ is the God of Ground Zero. “Ground Zero,” in Christ, can also mean a cancellation point, a new beginning where we can stand on the ashes of the wasteland we see and still seek renewal and “genesis moments."
Ground Zero
In this film, internationally acclaimed visual artist, Makoto Fujimura, reflects on his distinctive personal ground zero experience on 9/11 in New York City along with the universal experience of trauma.
Ground Zero, The W
Join Phil Allen, host of The W, as he talks with artist, author and cultural catalyst Makoto Fujimura about the film Ground Zero and navigating trauma, loss and healing amidst the Ground Zero moments of our lives.