InterVarsity Films

InterVarsity Films

Since 1941, InterVarsity has established and advanced student-led, witnessing communities on college and university campuses across the country. Today, InterVarsity equips students and faculty to follow Jesus with their whole lives — for the rest of their lives.

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InterVarsity Films
  • Water & Sand

    Water & Sand is a Native-written, allegorical story of the Gospel. Creator and creation are separated, we flee to the desert, and Creator Sets Free joins us in the desert to offer us living water.

  • Lifers

    From Urbana 18, InterVarsity's 25th student missions conference. Lifers was utilized to spark a conversation about dehumanization and God's grace.

  • Baking as Missions

    Katherine has been moved by God to start a baking education business for refugee women. This is her story.

    This video was created for InterVarsity's global missions conference – Urbana 22.

  • The Woman at the Well

    A re-telling of the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, from the Gospel of John.